Lectures and Structured Learning

Our structured learning opportunities have many shapes and sizes.

Daily conferences are held four days per week covering all aspects of family medicine and community resources. Lunch is provided. Thursday afternoons are dedicated to workshop time, from procedures to Ultrasound and Culinary Medicine.

AM teaching covers ambulatory medicine topics. We have a journal club once a month, high risk OB sessions daily on OB rotations, and a weekly Morning Report designed to facilitate group discussion about interesting patients.

Clinic-First Pearls: Three times weekly, our program gathers for 10 minutes before clinic to share a practical patient-centered pearl to improve our outpatient practice.

Morning Report: Once weekly, our program shares an interesting case with complex differential, evaluation and treatment plan followed by a learning session.

Lunch Talks: Four times weekly, our program gathers over a shared meal at lunch for thirty minutes to dive more deeply into a topic relevant to our rural full-spectrum practice. Talks are lead by faculty, residents, pharmacists, physical therapists, community specialists and many more.

Workshops: Once half-day a week on Wednesday afternoon, our program blocks time for residents to get hands on with a procedure workshop, ultrasound workshop, or some other in-depth topic.

Journal Club: Once a month, a second-year resident or faculty lead a discussion of a recent journal article during our lunch talk.

Grand Rounds: Our third-year residents lead an hour-long deep dive into a topic of their choice, reviewing the evidence surrounding a topic and offering their perspective. Topics and talks are open to the public.

M&M: Our first and third year residents collaborate to lead hour-long morbidity and mortality conferences with supervision and insight from faculty and our hospital administration.

Patient Safety: Once a month, a second year resident leads a discussion from the systems improvement perspective.

Lifestyle Medicine

We recognize that movement, food and community are integral parts of health. Our local Wellness Center has recognized this as well.

Residents participate as attendees and later as instructors in a community education and support course that focuses on cost conscious nutrition; how to communicate the health impacts of food, basic nutrition principles, how to incorporate these skills into your busy clinic day.  

Women’s Health


Maternity Care

Medication Assisted Treatment